First in-person meeting of the CALLOS partners
Athens, February 18, 2022
Lasers ART's Sake IESL-FORTH Cultural Heritage
Photonics for Heritage Science group share here the latest news, highlights, recent publications, current research & activities.
Athens, February 18, 2022
February 21- March 04, 2022
“SeaFront project” 1st visit at IESL – FORTH
New progress on elemental mapping of “archaeological shells”
December 21-22, 2021
conference entitled “China-Greece Belt and Road Cultural Conservation Lab Technology”, co-organized by the Palace Museum at the Forbidden City of Beijing and the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of FORTH
November 17-19, 2021
“PhoHS Performs in -situ analysis of Icons from Michael Damaskinos at the Museum of ST. Catherine”
September 23, 2021
“Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with machine learning models and Neural Networks for the classification of hard tissue remains”
September 14, 2021
A new article has been published in a Special Issue of The European Physical Journal Plus .
April 12-17, 2021
Transportation of archaeological material from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens to IESL – FORTH (Heraklion) in the framework of Project CALLOS
April 14, 2021
MSc thesis presentation by Lampros Spanos
TITLE: «Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with machine learning models or neural networks enables screening and classification of hard tissues such as bones and teeth, with potential applications in archaeological science»
March 2021
“Review and New Evidence on the Molluscan Purple Pigment Used in the Early Late Bronze Age Aegean Wall Paintings” published in “Heritage” Journal is showing up on the Issue cover.
January 07, 2021
A new Chapte published in the book “Analytical Strategies for Cultural Heritage Materials and their Degradation”, Edited by Juan Manuel Madariaga, Royal Societ of Chemistry, London (2021).
Junuary 14, 2021
A new article published in the special issue of Pigments and Dyes in Archaeological and Historical Objects—Scientific Analyses and Conservation Challenges
January 12, 2021
A new article in the ” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports”.
December 07, 2020
The first Interim e-meeting of the project CALLOS «Conservation of Athens antiquities with Laser and Lidar technologies Open to Science and public»
October 13, 2020
The inaugural meeting of the project “PROTEAS”
October 02, 2020
“Listening to laser light interactions with objects of art: a novel photoacoustic approach for diagnosis and monitoring of laser cleaning interventions” in the “Heritage Science” journal.
September 24, 2020 organizes an on-line webinar as a part of the HELLAS-CH project of the “ELI Synergy – LASER LAB Europe, HIRER &”.
September 01, 2020
Our group is delighted to welcome Dr. Anastasia Giakoumaki as our new experienced Research Assistant, to perform research aiming at the development of methodologies and instrumentation based on laser spectroscopy techniques ….
Available online 2 July 2020
The paper “Materials analyses of stone artifacts from the EBA to MBA Minoan Tholos tomb P at Porti, Greece (Crete), by means of Raman spectroscopy: Results and a critical assessment of the method” in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
April 11, 2020
The Photonics for Heritage Science group is seeking expressions of interest from young motivated individuals for carrying out competitive research in a highly cross-disciplinary environment.
February 22, 2020
Papanikolaou A, Tserevelakis G J, Melessanaki K, Fotakis C, Zacharakis G and P. Pouli
“Development of a hybrid photoacoustic and optical monitoring system for the study of laser ablation processes upon the removal of encrustation from stonework”
Opto-Electron Adv 3, 190037 (2020).
September 30, 2020
Our group has undertaken a series of analytical investigations at the prehistoric settlement of Akrotiri, Thera, in support of the important, ongoing excavation, directed by Professor Emeritus Christos Doumas, under the auspices of the Athens Archaeological Society.
September 30, 2019
A new article entitled “Non-invasive photoacoustic detection of hidden underdrawings in paintings using air-coupled transducers” has been recently published in “Ultrasonics” presenting resent work of IESL-FORTH (Crete-Greece), team.
July 1, 2019
A new article has been recently published in “Heritage Science” presenting a collaborative work between Greece, Italy, Poland and Netherlands researchers.
June 03-07, 2019
Lectures from experts on modern laser diagnostic and analytical techniques, as well as on laser cleaning methodologies will be combined with practical demos and laboratory hands-on sessions.
Best Poster Award in “Origin of knowledge as a key element in the documentation of archaeological objects” CIDOC- ICOM 2018
September 16, 2017
The paper entitled “Portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy/diffuse reflectance hybrid spectrometer for analysis of inorganic pigments”, by P. Siozos, A. Philippidis, D. Anglos, have been selected for the cover of the Spectrochimica Acta Part B Jurnal (Spectrochimica Acta Part B 137, 93-100 ,2017).
24 MArch 2014 – 04 April 2014
“The Acropolis Restoration Project and the Laser Application”
Laser conservation technique for Acropolis monuments now goes to major US universities
May 2014
14 September 2012
International Award to the Acropolis Museum and FORTH for the laser cleaning of Caryatids