Synergy ELI – LASERLAB Europe, HiPER & E-RIHS.gr

From 2017 to 2019
Project No: MIS 5002735, Team involvement: D. Anglos, P.Pouli

A National facility of the European RI ecosystem
The HELLAS-CH is a cross-disciplinary National Research Infrastructure (NRI), which offers access to
a) advanced experimental facilities for state-of-the-art research on laser science, technolog and applications, &
b) versatile integrated tools and technologies for addressing demanding research challenges in the field of Heritage Science (HS).
Cultural Heritage Research
Supporting the Heritage Science (HS) community through advanced multi-disciplinary facilities organized in three main concepts:
- Novel laser-based techniques for compositional analysis & mapping of materials in heritage objects
- Advanced methods for studying archaeological DNA
- Modern laser based technologies for conservation and restoration
- Non-invasive geophysical & geochemical measurements for surveying & mapping macroscopically the landscape of archaeological and historical sites, including underwater ones.
- Development of innovative digital infrastructures that enable efficient handling of experimental data, permitting user groups and broader communities to exploit the complex interrelated (complementary) information gathered via micro or macro studies.
HELLAS –CH brings together twelve leading academic and research institutions:
[Coordinator] Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas / Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (FORTH-IESL)

All partners participate in joint research activities. Access is given only from FORTH and the IPPL of Hellenic Mediterranean University.

HELLAS-CH is a major project on the National Research Infrastructures Roadmap and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national resources through the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (NSRF -EPAnEK) (project code MIS- 5002735).