Lasers in CH Conservation; Training-by-Research Course
“Bring your own Conservation Challenges to our Laser Laboratories”
IESL-FORTH announces the launch of a series of specialised training -by research courses on the use of laser technology in CH conservation.
These 3-month courses are mainly addressed to graduate students mid-career conservators and conservation scientists and aim to introduce advanced analytical and conservation laser methodologies to CH restoration practice in parallel to their on-going projects and interventions.
The focused training-by-research course entitled “Bring your own Conservation Challenges to our Laser Laboratories” is an ongoing training activity since 2010. This activate, up to now, has been addressed to more than 10 professional conservators (i.e. from the State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia).
Participants will choose to attend and get practical training on the following subjects:
- Laser cleaning interventions
- Laser structural diagnosis
- Imaging and mapping
- Laser spectroscopic analysis
and are expected during this training period to address open problems and specific challenges encountered in their current endeavors.
Guest experts will be invited to contribute based on the specific needs of the assigned projects.
The course language will be English (or Greek in the case of Greek participants).
A minimum laboratory fee of 5.000,00 € will be applied for 3-month access. Any additional fees will be dependent on the specific requirement of each project.
The number of participants is restricted, while the selection of successful candidates/projects will be mostly based on their CV and motivation letter.

Recent Training-by-Research Activities
2015, October 05-30
Advanced laser technologies in ceramic and glass conservation; training and research on open problems and specific challenges related to ceramic and glass conservation practice

B. Kutergina, E. Dutova, N. Bolshakova, D. Prokuratov,
State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg, Russia
Special Invited Lectures
- Bessie Argyropoulou, Professor of metal conservation, TEI of Athens, Conservation dept.
- 29 September, “Corrosion and conservation of metals in Greece; cleaning challenges”
- 30 September, “The FP6 EU project PROMET; the protection of metals’ collections”
- Elpida Katopodi, BSc student at TEI of Athens, Conservation dept.
- 30 September, “Laser technology for the analysis and conservation of painted metal objects”
2014, September 22- October 17
Advanced laser technologies in metal conservation; training and research on open problems and specific challenges related to metal conservation practice

Visit the Museums & Archaeological sites
O. Senatorova, A. Karpechenkov, A. Chulin, M. Borovikova, A. Pankova, M. Subbotina
State Hermitage Museum St Petersburg, Russia
Special Invited Lectures
- Amalia Siatou, MSc Chemistry and Materials Technology, Freelance Conservator-Restorer of Antiquities & Works of Art
- 01 October, “Manufacturing and corrosion study of excavated archaeological metal artefacts; The synergistic use of Raman Spectroscopy”
2014, June 1-30
1-month training and research on laser cleaning of stonework using various wavelengths
Victoria Atanassova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.