IPERION-HS, Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science
2017 to 2019
Project No: 871034, Co-ordinator: D. Anglos, P.Pouli and S. Sotiropoulou

The IPERION HS consortium is determined to take up the challenge outlined in the Horizon 2020 for European research infrastructures, which calls for the establishment of a unique European research infrastructure for Heritage Science. Heritage Science is the interdisciplinary domain of the scientific study of heritage. Heritage Science draws on diverse humanities, sciences and engineering disciplines. It focuses on enhancing the understanding, care, and sustainable use of heritage so it can enrich people’s lives, both today and in the future. Heritage science is an umbrella term encompassing all forms of scientific inquiry into works of man and combined works of nature and man of value to people.
IPERION HS integrates national facilities of recognized excellence in Heritage Science and aims at establishing a distributed RI with a sustainable plan of activities, including offering access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in Heritage Science. IPERION HS connects researchers in the Humanities and Natural Sciences and fosters a trans-disciplinary culture of exchange and cooperation for the growth of the European Research Area. IPERION HS pursues the integration of European world-class facilities to create a cohesive entity playing a leading role in the global community of Heritage Science.
Since 2016, Heritage Science is included in the ESFRI Roadmap (https://www.esfri.eu/roadmap-2016) as one of the strategic areas in the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities, where it is represented by the ESFRI Project E-RIHS, European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (www.e-rihs.eu). With regards to E-RIHS, IPERION HS will provide the heritage science community with a further level of pan- European integration.
The commitment of the advanced community to launching IPERION HS culminated a trajectory of successful integration initiatives, counting milestone projects spanning across four Framework Programmes – with the continued support of the EC – approaching 20 years of continuous service to the heritage science domain (Labs-TECH, Eu-ARTECH, CHARISMA, IPERION CH). This advanced community integrates major centres of research in heritage science, outstanding research institutes, prestigious research laboratories and conservation centres in heritage institutions and universities. IPERION HS is a further step towards a unified scientific approach to the most advanced European instruments for the analysis, interpretation, preservation, documentation and management of heritage objects in the fields of art history, conservation, archaeology and palaeontology.
IPERION HS consists of partners from 23 countries clustered around their national nodes. This is close to double the number of countries participating in the last project IPERION CH. IPERION HS includes the Member States, Associated countries and extra-European countries (US, Mexico and Brasil).
ICCROM is a special observer inside the consortium.

IPERION HS is a project funded by the European Union, H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1, under GA No. 871034. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union can be held responsible for them.
The contents of the website reflect only the author’s view and the Agency and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.