Collaborations across Europe
- Dr. M. Castillejo and Dr. M. Oujja (CSIC, Madrid, Spain), Non-linear microscopy for assessing photochemical modifications upon laser removal of varnishes used in paintings, IPERION-CH.
- Dr. V. Detalle (C2RMF, France) and Dr. D. Giovanacci (LRMH- CNRS, France) Combined Thermography-DHSPI for the detection of deteriorated features on artworks (IPERION-CH).
- Prof. P. Targowski (The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland) Assessment of laser cleaning by means of OCT, IPERION-CH.
- Dr. Loic Bertrand (Société Civile Synchrotron Soleil, France) Mitigation strategies for radiation damage in the analysis of ancient materials, IPERION-CH.
- Dr. Silvia Pereira and Dr. Joao Manuel Mimoso (LNEC, Portugal), Study of the interactions of laser radiation with vitreous and ceramic surfaces. Potentials on using lasers as restoration tools of historic ceramics (Azulejos) [PCT application (PCT/GR2016/000011)].
- Dr. G. Padeletti and Dr. A. Curulli (CNR-ISNM), HERACLES-HEritage Resilience Against CLimate Events on Site, on-site Characterisation of degradation materials on Monuments
- Dr. Jurgen Mossgraber and Dr. T. Hellmund (Fraunhofer IOSB, Germany), HERACLES-HEritage Resilience Against CLimate Events on Site, development of an ICT platform
- Prof. Haida Liang and Dr. Sotiria Kogou (Nottingham Trent University, UK), Comparison of the 3D subsurface imaging modalities: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and the various non-linear microscopy modalities for imaging paint and varnish layers used on historical paintings.
- Dr. Chiara Bertolin and Dr. Dario Camuffo, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC) Assessment of the impact of climate on CH assets.
- Prof. Yannick Melinge, (Université De Cergy-Pontoise, France) Interferometric study on plasters under high thermal stress
- Prof. T. Rivas and Dr. J.S. Pozo-Antonio (Universidade de Vigo, Spain), Laser cleaning of granitic stones.
- Dr. Johanna Leisnner, Fraunhofer, Brussels Office, Assessment of the impact of climate on CH assets.
- Prof. Zs. Márton and I. Kisapáti (University of Pécs, Institute of Physics, Hungary) Assessment of laser cleaned wall-painints using DHSPI.
- Tate Gallery, Conservation Department, London, UK, IPERION-CH
- British Museum, Conservation Department, London, UK, IPERION-CH
- The National Gallery, London, UK, IPERION-CH
- Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence, IT, IPERION-CH
- Museo Nacional del Prado, ES, IPERION-CH