First in-person meeting of the CALLOS partners
Athens, February 18, 2022
On February 18th the CALLOS partners met in person for the first time on the occasion of a work meeting that took place at the premises of Raymetrics in Athens. A demo of a new LIDAR instrument was shown to the consortium, its operating details were discussed and further actions were organised.
This system is being developed by Raymetrics with the aim to characterize remotely biological encrustations accumulated on the surface of Athenian monuments, and monitor their extent/evolution in time. The LIDAR system together with a hybrid spectroscopy LIBS/DR/LED-IF system for surface analysis, currently under construction by IESL-FORTH, deliverables of the CALLOS project, are expected to equip the open-to-the-public conservation laboratory under development at the premises of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens in the center of Athens.

The next in-person meeting will be soon organized at Heraklion for the demo of the IESL-FORTH system.
Stay tuned!