Visiting, in Beijing, the Joint Laboratory of IESL- FORTH and the Palace Museum.
Returning from an amazing trip to Beijing, visiting the Joint Laboratory of The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – FORTH and the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 (China-Greece Joint Laboratory on Cultural Heritage Conservation Technology – 中国-希腊文物保护技术联合实验室), we feel excited with the accomplishments of the joint laboratory and overwhelmed by the Chinese civilization and hospitality.

Demetrios Anglos and Paraskevi Pouli, representing the Lasers for Art’s Sake IESL – FORTH (Photonics for Heritage Science) group at The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – FORTH along with Constantinos Vasiliadis, Head of the Conservation Department at the Acropolis Museum – Μουσείο Ακρόπολης, participated as invited lecturers in a 3-day training workshop titled “Laser Technology for Analysis and Conservation of Heritage Objects” which was organized by the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 in the framework of the joint lab. The training workshop, which attracted 31 participants, most of them conservators from the Museum and CH organization around China and from the PM, was successful as we can judge from the vivid interactions we had with members of the PM staff and the participants.

We also participated in a public event titled “Heritage Science: A global driver for sustainability”. During this event, a plenary lecture was given by D. Anglos who presented the opportunities that arise for Heritage Science (HS) through the #Fixlab, #Molab, #Archlab, and #Digilab initiatives of the European Research Infrastructure on HS (E-RIHS).

Stay tuned for further info on this prolific collaboration between FORTH and the Palace Museum!!!