PROTEAS Open-access Laboratory at the National Gallery of Athens; public presentation within the colloquium dedicated on “Research projects on Cultural Heritage” funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Innovation
Within the colloquium dedicated to the Research projects on Cultural Heritage funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, Kostas Hatzigiannakis on behalf of the Photonics for Heritage Science IESL – FORTH team, The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – FORTH, and colleagues from the consortium of the PROTEAS project, had the chance to present to the officers of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, the scientific community and the public their contribution and research to the establishment of the PROTEAS Open Laboratory at the National Gallery_ Alexandros Soutsos Museum .
Many thanks to the organizers of the colloquium, Ms M. Lyratzi and the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, for the opportunity to disseminate publicly the work performed within this project.
We are also very happy to meet in person and exchange future ideas with the partners of PROTEAS; FORTH-Institute of Computer Science, XRF Lab, the National Gallery_ Alexandros Soutsos Museum , printec, up2metric.

The main objective of PROTEAS “Advanced System for collection and management of analytical data for documentation and conservation of large-scale paintings in an open laboratory” project was to develop an Open-access Laboratory within the premises of the the National Gallery_ Alexandros Soutsos Museum, where researchers from The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – FORTH and INPP-NCSR Demokritos developed innovative analytical systems based on imaging and spectroscopic techniques which, via combined protocols for in-situ application, integrate and upgrade the current documentation and conservation methodology used by National Gallery_ Alexandros Soutsos Museum for the integrated study of paintings.
The Institute of Computer Science of FORTH coordinated the project and, in collaboration with PRINTEC and Up2Metric, developed the platform (mechanisms and integrated software) that ensure
a) a robust way to support safe and controlled positioning of the analytical devices at each point of the artwork ensuring reliable operation of the equipment and facilitating the presence of the operator/conservator and
b) provide a user-friendly handling and display of large amounts of information and data.

The PROTEAS concept is particularly important in the case of oversized paintings, which, to date, cannot be studied with conventional protocols. It is the study and conservation of “March 30, 1814”, by C. Muller (4.45 × 8.45 sq. meters) an emblematic oil painting of the National Gallery_ Alexandros Soutsos Museum collection that provided the inspiration and motivation for this research which is the highlight of PROTEAS Open-access Laboratory.
Further info:
#PhoHS_FORTH_IESL, #ieslforth,, #pigments, #hyperspectralimaging, #IRimaging, #HeritageScience, #heritageconservation, #paintingsAnalysis, #largesizepaintings#oversizepaintings