PhoHS presence at the colloquium dedicated to Research projects on Cultural Heritage funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation
The General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of the Greek Ministry of Development organized a two-day colloquium dedicated to the research projects funded by the GSRI within NSFR entitled “Protection and Promotion of Greek Cultural Heritage”. The colloquium took place on 2-3 April 2024 at the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens.
PhoHS of IESL- FORTH had a strong representation in this colloquium highlighting its important role in Heritage research and study within Greece.

Prof. Dimitris Anglos presented the POLITEIA-II project [] 2017-2021. This project, coordinated by IESL-FORTH, reflects the holistic interdisciplinary approach by six Institutes of FORTH on the development of New Technologies in Research, Study, Documentation, and Access to Information on Cultural Heritage Objects and Monuments. During this event, D. Anglos introduced and with emphasis on the opportunities that arise for Heritage Science (HS) through the Fixlab, Molab, Archlab, and Digilab initiatives of the European Research Infrastructure on HS (E-RIHS) .
Dr Paraskevi Pouli presented the CALLOS-(Conservation of Athens antiquities with Laser and LIDAR technologies Open to Science and public) project [], 2020-2023. CALLOS, coordinated by the Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens, is a synergy for the creation of an Open Conservation Laboratory, in the center of the Greek capital, equipped with innovative laser devices and information systems specially designed and developed for the analytical and conservation needs of the conservators caring for the Athenian monuments
Mr Kostas Hatzigiannakis presented the PROTEAS, Advanced System for the collection and management of analytical data for the documentation and conservation of large-scale paintings in an open laboratory [], 2020-2023. PROTEAS, coordinated by the ICS of FORTH, refers to the interdisciplinary synergy for the installation of an Open-View Laboratory at the National Gallery, which employs robotic, analytical/imaging, and information systems for the study and conservation of large-scale paintings. On the last day of this colloquium, a public presentation of the PROTEAS Open View Laboratory was realized at the National Gallery of Athens by the partners of the consortium [Presentation of the project PROTEAS at the Open Access Laboratory of the National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum | News | Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (]
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