OPTO-CH 2019 summer course meets POLITEIA II

Dear friends,
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of you for your active participation in OPTO-CH 2019 POLITEIA II Summer Course “Laser technologies in Cultural Heritage analysis, diagnosis and conservation”.
We are indeed very happy that you have been with us at Heraklion and hope that you found the summer course to have fulfilled its objectives, namely, to introduce the latest developments and achievements in the field, to give a real feeling on how a number of laser-based analytical and conservation tools may be used in research and practice, as well as to inform on the latest developments of the National KRIPIS II project POLITEIA II (Advanced analytical, diagnostic, surveying and documentation technologies in Cultural Heritage, MIS 5002478) as regards the multidisciplinary research performed at FORTH related to Heritage Science. We do also hope that you found useful the field tests and experiments that were performed on-site at the rural Byzantine Church of St Mary’s Presentation at Fodele village, on the last day of the summer course.
We are also grateful to our visiting lecturer Alberto de Tagle as well as the POLITEIA II colleagues from the FORTH’s Institutes: N. Psonis (Ancient DNA Laboratory, IMBB-FORTH), G. Alexandrakis (Coastal & Marine Research Laboratory, IACM-FORTH), Ch. Bekiari, K. Petrakis (Centre for Cultural Informatics, ICS-FORTH) for enhancing the overall impact of the workshop with their excellent and high-level presentations.
A special thanks goes also to all the scientists and students that performed in-situ measurements and demos at the Byzantine Church of St Mary’s Presentation at Fodele: K. Hatzigiannakis and
K. Melessanaki for Optical Imaging, P. Siozos, I. Malegiannaki, S. Sotiropoulou for Diffuse Reflectance, M. Andrianakis for Holographic Interferometry and K. Petrakis, E. Paterakis for the presentation of the “Diagnosis” and “Polygnosis” platforms on behalf of ICS-FORTH.
Last but not least we would like to thank all the IESL-FORTH lecturers, technical and administrative personnel and students for participating in this summer course.
Once again thank you for your participation and keep in touch!
The OPTO-CH 2019 POLITEIA II organising committee,