Best Poster Award in “Origin of knowledge as a key element in the documentation of archaeological objects” CIDOC- ICOM 2018
Congratulations to two people from the PhoHS- IESL team Kostas Hatzigiannakis and Kristalia Melesanaki who together with the designer Pepi Stefanaki and the antiquities conservator Eleni Papadaki of the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, were awarded the prize for the best poster at the annual conference of the International Documentation Committee CIDOC-ICOM, with the poster
An interdisciplinary analytical approach towards iconographic examination of Minoan frescoes. The case study of the so-called “Fresco of Goddess” from Aghia Triada.
on the topic of the origin of knowledge as a key element in the documentation of archaeological objects.

The subject of the posted paper was the results to date of the re-examination of a particularly difficult-to-read, visually, Minoan mural, the so-called Mural of the Goddess of the Holy Trinity, also known as the “burnt” mural (due to the “burnt”, by fire, a large part of its surface), using combined analytical methods.
The results of the research, which is a product of the cooperation between the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion and the Institute of Technology, are very encouraging since several new iconographic elements have been revealed that enrich our knowledge, not only about the Minoan frescoes but also about the Minoan culture in general.